Mysteries of the Universe. Why? Why?

I cannot speak for successful writers nor published authors as I am neither. I am though a committed amateur. Nothing makes me happier that wafting around vacantly, doodling and looking for the perfect word whilst eroding a track to the fridge. I can find inspiration in a coffee and cake, in a glass of cool Vermentino ( my current tipple) in the water bubbling from a fountain. I have fully adopted the persona of (somewhat stout) epthereal creative, I have a selection of floaty dresses in increasingly loud fabrics, and birds nest hair. Next week I’m getting fake eyelashes. I sigh and wax lyrical with the patience that only us undiscovered literary genius know. And luckily GS puts up with me and comes up with hilarious one liners which I then nick.

 It’s all very vulgar mixing creative vapours with commercial reality but the gatekeepers, the publishers, demand that us wannabe scribes build ‘a following’. Until this week I had found out two things.

Firstly, that creating a blog takes forever (get off backside, photograph glories of Italy, draft words, persuade internet connection to endure for time to upload photos.)

Secondly, that an absolute  internet scrum can be provoked in seconds on writers groups with the words ‘AI’ or ‘Sensitivity readers’ However I suspect that the publishers aren’t looking for authors to cultivate hate mail from froth-at-the- mouth activists.

But this week, to my utter astonishment, I went viral (relative to the usual handful of views). I will tell you tell you what did it.

Nope, it wasn't sunset over the walls of Lucca
Nope, it wasn't our new nook behind the kitchen
Nope, it wasn't arty shots of Lucca by night

It wasn’t even this wonderful clarinet player.

Now it is possible that  the extra-ordinary number of views (1.2k and climbing by the hour) may be  because I accidentally paid to boost the post (but so far my bank account is showing no signs of a Facebook raid)  It could be because the words ‘sheep’ and ‘goat’ may mean something in urban slang as when GS researched them on Facebook, a number of comely maidens popped up (well, more out)  Or it could be that there is an world epidemic of insomnia. Anyway, this dear reader is The Video, that went viral. I

 All I can say is – WHY UNIVERSE? WHY?? WHY???

If you know whether these are sheep or goats or why  please do let me know

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